Saturday, December 31, 2011

Seedling Heat Mat 48 x 20

!±8±Seedling Heat Mat 48 x 20

Brand : Hydrofarm
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Post Date : Dec 31, 2011 17:19:48
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The seedling heat mat increases germination success of seeds, and promotes faster growth of seedlings, cuttings and transplants. Heat mats are designed to fit under common seed flats and are constructed to be waterproof. Warms rooting area 10-20 degrees over ambient temperature and no thermostat is required.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Compost - The Perfect Recipe

!±8± Compost - The Perfect Recipe

Many think composting is difficult and unnecessary; after all, there is fertilizer and it is "right out of the bag!" Well avid believers in composting, can tell you the differences and it will be a full list. Let us just settle for the main three reasons to compost.
1. Think about tomatoes out of the garden versus from the grocer. The taste from composted vegetables and fruits, are much more rich and flavorful.
2. There are 85% more vitamins and nutrients.
3. No chemical additives (which kill nutrients and people).

Here is the easy way to know how to compost. Your goal is to build a compost pile, which provides the best possible conditions for the proliferation of those hard working micro herds which will turn your trash into treasure! These are micro sized organisms, which are found in rich soil or other compost piles. Want a helpful hint? Find the neighbor with the best compost pile, and ask to trade him a bucket or two of dirt. You can also find a commercial activator in bags at most garden supply stores. All they need to survive and thrive is a balanced diet, water, air, and warmth.

So what exactly can be thrown to our wonderful helpers? Anything of living origin can be (composted, but the quality and quantity of the materials you use affect the process and determine the nutrient value of the finished compost. Compost organisms require the correct proportion of carbon for energy and nitrogen for forming protein called the C/N ratio to function efficiently. If the C/N ratio is too high (excess carbon), decomposition slows down and nitrogen is depleted. Too low a C/N ratio (too much nitrogen) wastes nitrogen by letting it escape into the air, causing unpleasant odors, and into the water, creating pollution problems.

The ideal C/N ratio of 25:1 to 30:1 is readily reached by building your pile in alternating layers of high-carbon materials, such as sawdust, and high-nitrogen materials, such as fresh grass clippings. In general, high-carbon materials are brown or yellow and are dry and bulky. High-nitrogen materials tend to be green, moist, and often sloppy. If you find you have an abundance of either high- nitrogen or high-carbon wastes on hand, make the effort to locate ingredients that provide your micro herd with the right balance of nutrients.

Most organic materials supply a wide range of the other nutrients needed by compost organisms and plants. The greater the variety of materials you include in your compost, the greater your certainty of creating a nutritionally balanced product. Use additions of mineral-rich materials such as rock phosphate or greens and to tailor the nutrients in your compost to match the needs of your soil and plants.

Many new composters have found the odor turns them off from the practice. Odor is a sign that you need to adjust your pH. You may use the "instant fix", lime to moderate pH and odors, but it is not the desirable way. Here is why, when you mix manure (found in the best piles) lime causes the release of nitrogen into the atmosphere in the form of ammonia. This reduces the nitrogen that the organisms, and plants need. Therefore, you get rot, which causes the odor.

As it is the calcium supplied by lime that you are looking for, replace lime use, with additional supplies of crushed eggshells, bone meal, or wood ashes (not "treated" woods-known carcinogens), which also provide potash. Like lime, wood ashes are alkaline and will raise the pH of your compost. Use wood ashes in moderation to avoid high pH levels that inhibit microorganism activity and limit nutrient uptake by some plants.

There are some organic materials to avoid when composting. Human and pet feces may carry disease organisms; meat scraps or bones, and fatty materials break down very slowly and attract animals. Some wastes are contaminated with high levels of heavy metals, pesticide residues, or other highly toxic substances. If your composting plan includes industrial waste products, obtain a complete laboratory analysis for possible contaminants before you add such waste products to your pile.

All living organisms need water, but too much moisture drives out air, drowns the pile, and washes away nutrients. Good compost is about as damp as a moist sponge. There are several ways to control moisture levels in compost pile. Build your pile on a site that is well drained. If necessary, begin your compost pile with a bottom layer of sand or gravel to make sure the pile never has puddles. Sprinkle each layer with a watering can or garden hose as you construct the pile. The composting process requires water; check the moisture level every few days and, if necessary, add water when you turn your compost. Layer very wet, sloppy materials (fruit wastes, etc.) with absorbent ingredients such as sawdust or shredded dry leaves. Turn your pile to release excess moisture that prevents proper heating. Protect your pile from the weather. Compost in a covered bin, or place a layer of hay or straw or even a tarp over your pile. Shape your pile to work with weather conditions. In humid climates, a pile with a rounded, or convex, top repels excess water; a sunken or concave, top lets the pile collect needed water in dry climates.

Living organisms need air to survive. Supplying enough air to all parts of a compost pile to encourage thorough decomposition is perhaps the key to successful composting. Frequent turning is the most straightforward way to do this, but there are other aerating techniques to use in addition to or even in place of turning: Build a base of coarse material such as brush or wood chips under your pile to allow air penetration from below. Shred leaves, hay, and garden debris before composting. Use materials such as paper and grass clippings sparingly, because they tend to form impermeable mats when wet. Insert sticks into the pile when building it, and then pull them out later to open air passages. You can also poke holes in the compost with a garden fork or crowbar. Bury perforated drainpipe at intervals in a passive compost pile as an excellent way to improve aeration. Sunflower stalks and straw also conduct air into the pile. However, do not use cornstalks, as they do not hollow out and decay properly. Limit the height and width of the pile to 51 to 6 feet to avoid compression. There is no limit on length.

Too large a compost pile interferes with aeration, but a minimum size of 3 feet in each dimension is needed in order for heating to occur. Given the proper C/N ratio, moisture, and aeration, your compost will heat up even in cold winter weather. A hot pile can reach temperatures of 160°F but will produce satisfactory results if it cooks along at about 120°F. Northern composters sometimes insulate their piles with hay bales or leaves to help composting continue throughout the winter.

The type of structure used for composting can vary greatly, depending on the materials available, the needs of the gardener, and the climate. A structure is not essential, but can be used you choose to hide your pile. They should be made of wood (non treated), plastic, concrete, bricks, wire, stones, or any durable weatherproof material.

Compost - The Perfect Recipe

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Starting Seeds Indoors

!±8± Starting Seeds Indoors

Starting seeds indoors is an integral part of gardening. Most avid gardeners want to start their own seeds. The reasons for doing so include both economy and variety. It is simply much more economical to grow your own plants from seeds, especially if you have a large vegetable or flower garden and use many flats of seedlings. The variety of seeds available from seed catalogs is nothing short of amazing, and the large majority of the seeds offered are not grown and offered as plants by the major greenhouse growers, and thus not found in garden centers in the spring.

Starting seeds indoors seems like a daunting project to the uninitiated, but is really easy if you have the right tools. Most of us don't have the luxury of having a greenhouse to start our seeds in, or if we do we may not want to start heating it as early as some seeds need to be started.

Seeds come in all sizes and shapes, but all, with some exceptions, need the same basic requirements to germinate properly. Heat, light, and moisture, if supplied in the correct balance, will allow most seeds to start quickly and efficiently.

Perhaps the easiest seed starting tool to use is a seed starting mat for use indoors in a window or on the floor near a patio door. These mats are available from most seed companies, and will supply the necessary gentle bottom heat required for most annual flowers and vegetable plants. Some of these are offered as kits which include a flat, clear plastic dome, and inserts. Some of these seed starting kits may also include labels.

In addition to the kit, you will need a good quality seed starting medium. Soil for starting seeds is usually a bit finer textured than standard soil mix and it must be sterile to avoid damping off and other common seed germination problems. A mister capable of producing a fine mist is also a good item to have to water seedlings. Using a fine mist to water new seedling is important, because many are quite small and may be drowned with too much water.

Starting your own seeds indoors need not seem a daunting task. Seed germination is an integral and exciting part of gardening which is easy with the right tools.

Starting Seeds Indoors

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Acupuncture and Alternative Therapies For Digestive Disorders

!±8± Acupuncture and Alternative Therapies For Digestive Disorders

It is estimated that approximately 62 million Americans experience digestive problems on an ongoing basis. This is due to the harmful repercussions of the standard American diet on our population coupled with the high level of stress that the average American experiences. Digestive problems can range from minor annoyances, such as gas and bloating, to life-threatening illnesses, such as crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, unremitting diarrhea, and various cancers that target digestive organs. Whatever the case, it is always worth being proactive about our digestive health. The information contained in this article on acupuncture and natural therapies should definitely get you going in the right direction, not only with your digestion but also with your health in general. Let's take a look at a few common disorders and what can be done about them.

1. Constipation: The standard American diet can easily lead to chronic constipation. This diet is low in fiber and antioxidants and high in difficult to digest additives and refined ingredients. Many, many people are constipated and they don't even know it. They may have regular bowel movements, but they are still not flushing their systems thoroughly, which creates intestinal toxicity. Intestinal cleansing is often a top priority in healing numerous chronic health problems. There are several natural herbal remedies and nutritional supplements that can relieve constipation and heal the underlying imbalances.

Chinese herbal formulas such as ma zi ren wan and run chang wan are gentle laxatives that are not habit forming.

Aloe vera juice reduces inflammation and promotes peristalsis (smooth muscle contraction in the bowel).

Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal complex that gently eases constipation and removes stagnant waste from the intestines. Psyllium husk is a high fiber product that alleviates constipation. Flax meal and seed are excellent high fiber sources for constipation. Senna leaf is useful for severe constipation.

2. Diarrhea: Chronic diarrhea can be dangerous for your health. It is still one of the leading causes of death in the world. Diarrhea is related to spleen weakness or intestinal inflammation. It is always a top treatment priority to heal this condition. Stress and anxiety can trigger regular bouts of diarrhea, as can processed and refined foods. Here are a few basic remedies for diarrhea:

Chinese herbal formulas such as bu zhong yi qi tang (ginseng and astragalus), si jun qi tang (4 Gentlemen), liu jun zi tang (6 Gentlemen), and jin gui shen qi tang (rehmannia 8) are helpful for alleviating diarrhea due to deficiency. Tong xie yao feng, Isatis Cooling, and jia wei xiao yao wan are helpful for diarrhea due to heat and inflammation.

Western herbs such as slippery elm, chamomile, peppermint, and ginger harmonize and soothe the stomach to stop diarrhea.

Probiotics such as acidophilus are useful as long-term adjuncts in treating diarrhea.

3. Bloating and gas: These symptoms tend to arise from eating too much or too fast, excessive stress, refined foods, coffee and alcohol, and sugar. Aside from slowing down and eating less of these foods, here are a few herbal suggestions:

Chai hu shu gan wan -- the quintessential Chinese formula for the combination of stress and gas.Xiao yao wan -- Excellent for digestive problems that arise during menses and excessive stress.Liu jun zi tang -- Strengthens the spleen and takes phlegm out of the gut, which is often related to gas and bloating.Acidophilus and bifidus -- Bloating and gas can be related to candida overgrowth, which is a pathological yeast that causes an array of physical and emotional imbalances.

4. Irritable bowel Syndrome: IBS is a very common problem that affects millions of Americans. Doctors will often diagnose IBS when the patient's symptoms don't seem to match up with anything else, so they call it irritable bowel. This disorder is characterized by bowels fluctuating from constipation to diarrhea with intermittent abdominal pain or distention. People with IBS tend to be sensitive to a variety of foods including high fiber foods, refined sugar, wheat, and gluten products. Symptoms can continue indefinitely and can be resistant to conventional treatments. I have treated several patients with IBS, usually with very positive results. Acupuncture theory asserts that IBS typically involves a disharmony between the liver and the spleen. The liver becomes hyperactive due to stress, anger, and frustration, which causes it to weaken the spleen, causing loose bowels and fatigue. Treatment involves relaxing the liver and strengthening the spleen.

Herbal formulas such as Irritease by K'An Herbals and Isatis Cooling by Health Concerns have proven helpful. In general, I recommend committing to weekly acupuncture and herbal treatment for 4-8 visits, depending upon the severity and duration of your symptoms.

Acidophilus and bifidus cand be helpful, as many people with IBS also have candidaChamomile and peppermint have a soothing effect on the gut and can reduce irritation

Most digestive disorders respond very well to consistent acupuncture and herbal treatment. Making dietary changes that restore and detoxify the gut also enhances treatment progress. Digestion is one of the main reference points for gauging one's overall health. If there are weaknesses or imbalances here, it is likely that one's overall health is compromised. Maintaining healthy digestion is an essential component in our quest for optimal health.

I should mention that for those of you suffering from crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or colon cancer, it is definitely best to seek out professional alternative and allopathic medical treatment. These diseases are simply too involved to offer blanket solutions in this article. There are many powerful natural remedies for these diseases, but their application is specific to your unique needs.

Acupuncture and Alternative Therapies For Digestive Disorders

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Parrot Cage - Parrot toxicity of metals in

!±8± Parrot Cage - Parrot toxicity of metals in

Bellow lists common and less common metals and their alloys, materials cage (wire frame), hardware (screws, locks, hinges), parrot toys and things is common to find around your house. Some of them, if swallowed, harmful effects on the health of your parrot.

All the birds are sitting very sensitive to toxins because of rapid metabolism, sensitive skin and respiratory tract, small size, and the digestive system, stomach (pH 2.0 and 42C) that some non-food items isextension of the terms of toxins or cause constipation, obstruction, bleeding and death. Natural curiosity and intelligence that drives reach parrots to chew and enjoy every ordinary and unusual objects and the strength of the beak down parrots even greater risk that the toxins are not only exposed to the consumer, but by contact with skin or inhalation . Toxins (eg heavy metals) is usually in the brain, bones, feathers, and some deposited in muscle tissue and can damage many different organscause non-specific symptoms of the disease.

Color used for your bird's cage is the main concern. Powder coating is much stronger than regular paint applied, the flakes of rust easily and can be swallowed and leave the cage.

In short - the ingestion of a paint or any type of metal is never a good thing - no matter how safe it is, above all, there are no standards for safe levels of toxic metals set up for birds.

Lead and zinc - very toxic to parrots. Exposure to paint over orAlloys in wire cages, which contain metals such as lead and zinc is the most dangerous for the parrots, because they do not, of course, only to chew on everything, but their beaks to climb. If the material of the cage or hardware containing such metals can cause heavy metal poisoning in your bird. Your family could put in a dust of your parrot to run around the cage. The most common signs of poisoning in birds side of submissive behavior on and off - with lead poisoning- Seizures and falls off the shelf, with zinc - falls out of the barrel. If you suspect - please contact your veterinarian immediately bird. The larger the bird, the greater the risk - the large birds can easily scratch the beard, chewing or breaking a few pieces of softer metal or paint.

Can paint as well as lead in paint, primers are used in welding - welding in a cage (of different welded joints), film on the bottles of wine, champagne, wire, fishing weights, curtain weights,Bullets and pellets, stained glass, seal and PVC.

Connected with the industry standard for lead safety standards set by the federal government to allow that time to paint a less than 600 ppm (parts per million or 0.06% by weight) of lead in the home.

Check with the manufacturers in relation to zinc, since there is no regulation for their content in paint.

Zinc is an essential element and plays an important role in enzyme activity, but if uncontrolled intakeAmount of non-food items can lead to high accumulation and toxicity. Zinc is used not only in color, but can also be used in electroplating - galvanized wire cage, metal hardware and some bird toys (zinc is expressed only for zinc coatings for the metal cage or hardware protection against oxidation and make it better). This is extremely toxic to parrots, as described above.

Galvanized wire mesh or not to be mentioned in outdoor aviaries. Do not treat outdoor aviaries withVinegar zinc poisoning your parrot to protect - what does it really affect the top coat of zinc oxidized very accessible (opaque white - zinc rust) and the zinc coating layer oxidized at some point - not necessarily remove all but thin, have enough underlying metal susceptible to oxidation and rust, which also does not perform well. This procedure may be sufficient to protect small birds from poisoning by zinc, but it seems that the best thing to do to avoid zinc parrots around.Zinc and its' connections Applications: UV protection in plastic, protective sunscreens and lotions, flame retardants, wood preservatives and pesticides in agriculture.

Copper is an essential trace element necessary for the formation of hemoglobin and is a component of several enzyme systems. Copper is a soft metal in the rule for the finish (not only the U.S. Mint cents - copper-plated zinc 2.5% to 97.5%, but also hardware and decorative items on the cage) used kitchen utensils, copper wire , welding.Copper is potentially toxic to birds - usually oxidized copper causes problems - the storage of acidic foods in copper or contribute slightly acidic water with copper to a greater amount of this metal in the diet of your bird and is easy to avoid. Copper is a fungicide and algaecide popular (used in commercial and private swimming pools as well as vegetables and grains spray against fungi and algae) to prevent.

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and is usually used in padlocks- It is probably ok for small birds can chew the lock, but must be avoided for parrots. You can find only a few documented cases of metal toxicity in parrots, chewing brass padlocks.

Nickel could potentially toxic to your bird. Although he found little documented evidence that could shed light on nickel toxicity to birds and parrots in particular, are some articles clearly show that nickel-moderately toxic to wild birds and poultry (especially youngbirds in the process of growth - growth experiments of chicks to 4 weeks of age was significant at 700 ppm of nickel and from top to bottom). Nickel is commonly known as human allergen (contact dermatitis of the skin) and its salts are highly toxic and soluble aerosols all live. Nickel commonly used for the coating, since corrosion metal (iron and copper usually) prevented. So even if you have decided it's OK, nickel-plated material for your parrot, you have on a regular basis, asoxidation can chip and set the underlying metal.

Tin is a soft metal by many experts as non-toxic to birds, unless it has "galvanized" (misused is the term for galvanized sheet metal (galvanized steel) or some small container of galvanized iron) and - When in doubt - consult factory. According to the Metal Box to keep Wikipedia in itself is not toxic, but most are tin salts and some organic compounds of tin - TBT (tributyl tin), for example. TBT is extremely toxic - thin layer of thisPolymer can be used as a protective layer on non-food glass and ceramics. Tin corrosion from distilled sea and soft tap water, but can be attacked by strong acids, alkalis and salts. Tin is available in different alloys such as welding and bronze, tin and bell metal, Babbitt metal and amalgam fillings. Organotin compounds used as fungicides, insecticides, bactericides, and are good for man and animal toxicity. In addition, such as PVC and PCBs depositedHeat stabilizers.

Steel / iron carbide, aka non-toxic to birds (especially because it is difficult to solve and very difficult to swallow the pieces parrot and it is), but the rust - is to be as careful as the coating wears off the cage and corrosion begins - to examine, powder-coated cages than painful. Powder coating is much stronger and more structured surface of this coating provides a better grip for birds.

Stainless steel (SS) - very hard material that does not scratch easily or shave itWill not rust in normal ambient conditions. It does not require, the coating or paint finish, very easy to take care - you can power wash (just remove your bird loved:) and dry the cage - basically nothing to fear. Comments pair of stainless steel:

Some stainless steel and rust stains, if extended wet acidic or time left when bird droppings accumulate in a few places that hold moisture well;

Here you will find many references that SS is notmagnetic - it is not right. Stainless steel is an alloy containing 10.5% or more of chromium and iron in more than 50% and other components. Its magnetic property depends on what other components of this alloy - nickel, magnesium, carbon, nitrogen, molybdenum ... Each steel-nickel is not magnetic (nickel alloy to strengthen steel and chrome iron feature). Medical Grade SS typically uses nickel and chromium, so that is not magnetic. Chromium Alloys(No nickel) are magnetic. Various combinations of components define the magnetic force of the alloy.

Some owners say that brilliant parrot cages SS Polished (glossy, almost mirror-smooth surfaces interacting) their parrots very excited (and nervous) did - can be useful for the cages of the SS, the surface they look less shiny - polished surface pad with a subdued tone - Electropolishing usually does just that.

Aluminum is a soft metal, and as many as safe for birds. ButSome studies have shown that some species of birds, which are loaded with aluminum habitats with high aluminum diet increased levels of aluminum in bone and soft-shelled eggs which deformed to a small degree of slip. Other studies bring concerns with bone growth and weight gain in growing chicks, an increase of aluminum in the diet. So it is probably safer not to let your parrot to the beak of aluminum things around your home and to avoid bird toys (only as a precaution - you can neverknow what your reaction to particular bird)

Most parrots aluminum toxicity documented cases linked aluminum foil heated - is mainly attributed to the fumes from their non-stick polymer additives.

Selenium, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, and cobalt are potentially toxic to birds. Poisoning by these elements have been documented in wild birds due to environmental influences and rarely diagnosed in pet birds, but it seems smart to knowMain sources of households' exposure to these elements.

Selenium is another element that the food needed can be toxic if taken in large quantities. Selenium is used in the electronics industry, glass and rubber production, editing, pesticides and shampoos - avoid contact with these substances, your parrot. Interpretation of selenium toxicity is complicated by the interaction with other metals, notably mercury and arsenic, selenium may reduce toxicity.

Mercurymuch less toxic heavy metal. It affects the immune system, alters genetic and enzyme systems, and damages the nervous system, including coordination and sense of touch, taste and sight. Since most families are dangers associated with mercury were detected and removed some time ago - for your parrot fish diet and mercury-containing thermometers, it is highly unlikely that your bird is exposed to more toxic forms of mercury are - methyl mercury or elementalMercury.

Cadmium - in some batteries, pigments, used in electroplating, welding, alloy production and found production of plastics. Cadmium and its compounds are highly toxic even in low concentrations. If ingested bird accumulates in the liver and kidneys causing kidney damage, reduced egg production, and altered behavior.

Cadmium is long known to be carcinogenic. In addition to possible exposure to cadmium through the diet (most plants have a high absorption and accumulation ofEnvironmental cadmium - another reason for organic parrot food supply) are the combustion of fossil fuels like coal and oil and other hazardous sources of cadmium exposure to smoking - lungs absorb cadmium more efficiently since Courage. Do not smoke and never leave the bird to reach for cigarette butts, do not burn coal or oil lamps used. Keep your paint artist (if it applies to you) out of the reach of your bird. Used cadmium yellow, orange and red pigments in the color art,Coloring of plastics and specialty paints, ceramic glazes and stained glass (Tiffany lamps, red lights) contain cadmium.

Arsenic has been used to control agricultural pests, to handle the pressure timber for outdoor use (up to 2003) and chemotherapeutic agents. Taking various organic and inorganic compounds of arsenic accumulates in the kidneys and liver and can cause anemia, nervous disorders and weaken the immune system. We hope that your parrot from exposure to this risk is verylimited.

Thallium sulphate (salt of the heavy metal thallium) as a rodenticide (rodent) and insecticides to the house (ants and beetles) are used - it is very toxic to mammals, birds and insects used only by professional exterminators - very unlikely, the parrot will be exposed to any of this unless you save and use these chemicals in your home.

Cobalt and its salts are in nuclear medicine, enamel and semi-conductors, grinding wheels used in painting on glass and porcelain,Hygrometer and electroplating, production of vitamin B12, as a drier for paints, varnishes and paints, and as a catalyst for organic reactions.

According to Wikipedia, although cobalt is an essential element for life in small quantities, at higher levels of exposure, mutagenic and carcinogenic shows like nickel. For nickel and hexavalent chromium (VI), cobalt is a major cause of contact dermatitis in humans.

Play it safe - check all the metals in your birdOn your bird cage and toys regularly for chipping, peeling, rust and oxidation.

Parrot Cage - Parrot toxicity of metals in

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Monday, September 5, 2011

As seeds of tomato plants: A Guide To Gardening Tomatoes

!±8± As seeds of tomato plants: A Guide To Gardening Tomatoes

To sow your seeds inside for best results about 6 weeks before last frost days. This allows the plants a healthy start with the development of a strong root system, a sturdy handle, and a lot of leaves, rather than with a world of unpredictable spring weather and garden pests is struggling.

To start tomatoes indoors, you must plant trays, shelves, interior lighting, ground good starting point, and a fan. The step-by-step guide below illustrates the main steps of howPlant seeds of tomato:

Set shelves and lamps
Do you need a rack to hang a lighting system, and a means to adjust the height of the headlights grow your plants. A good cheap way to do this is with a set of lights shop with cold white fluorescent tubes.

Plant seeds in a good position average
A simple way to start a semi-starter kit, which includes a tray with plastic inserts or nursery peat pellets. Peat pellets are an easy way to startAs water is added to expand the pellet and place the seeds.

When using a traditional kindergarten-tray, fill each cell with a suitable starter and mix the seeds to a depth of about ¼ inch. Look for a medium that is specially designed for starting plants from seed. These mixtures are usually found as "sterile", ie any micro-organisms in the traditional terrain, which can quickly damage delicate plants.

Enter belowHeat during germination
An important step in dealing with the seeds of the tomato plant is down the heat, which can during germination. Seedling heating mats are a great way to promote geothermal energy to heat and fire fast.

Mats are widely available at nurseries and hardware stores locally. Althoug germination, giving your dishes on other hot surfaces, such as household appliances can be achieved, the combination of bright lights and seedling mat that covers highly reliableMethod.

Finally, the floor covered with plastic domes (often supplied with the kit). This helps the heat and moisture during germination.

Emerge after a couple of your plants begin to immediately remove the heat down. Do not wait for all surface facilities, such as persistent high temperatures can cause plants to grow quickly, giving them a great stature "long legs".

Enter a constant air circulation
Using a fan to circulate air to keep plants on a process called"Damping off", which can quickly kill plants and unexpectedly. Damping-off will be a number of things, including fungi and soil-line rot caused by excessive moisture. However, with a fan is usually effective in preventing this. The use of a fan will also strengthen the stems of plants so that they are also less sensitive to unexpected gusts of wind, if planted in the garden.

Note that once the plants have developed the first 2 or 3 sets of leaves, changing from a starterSeed mixture for half the nutrient-rich medium. Transplant them in larger containers and keep something under the lights for 2 or 3 weeks. Be sure to use a good potting soil instead of soil, to avoid problems. Potting mix is ​​widely available in both organic and nonorganic forms.

When it comes time to plant tomatoes in the garden, you should get used to handing out small plants, more and more time each day for a period of 4-7Days.

As seeds of tomato plants: A Guide To Gardening Tomatoes

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Seedling Heat Mat 48 x 20

!±8± Seedling Heat Mat 48 x 20

Brand : Hydrofarm | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Aug 21, 2011 11:28:11 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The seedling heat mat increases germination success of seeds, and promotes faster growth of seedlings, cuttings and transplants. Heat mats are designed to fit under common seed flats and are constructed to be waterproof. Warms rooting area 10-20 degrees over ambient temperature and no thermostat is required.

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Seedling Heat Mat 48 x 20

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